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Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes


Whether you struggle with bloating, gas, or indigestion, our natural digestive enzymes can provide the relief you need. Enhance your digestive wellness and experience the benefits of efficient nutrient absorption with our trusted enzyme products.

E3Enzymes Supreme Professional Strength provides maximum digestion assistance with its powerful, comprehensive blend of digestive enzymes. Formulated to support the digestion of gluten, dairy, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, cereal grains, proteins, and other foods, this product is ideal for those seeking superior digestive aid.

E3Enzymes Supreme Professional Strength features all-natural digestive enzymes that remain effective across a wide pH range throughout the entire digestive tract. The proteolytic enzymes in this blend break down proteins into amino acids, the building blocks essential for various bodily functions. The human body requires 20 different amino acids, 8 of which are essential and cannot be synthesized internally, meaning they must be obtained through diet. Without adequate proteolytic enzymes, the body cannot properly break down and absorb these critical nutrients.

no additives or preservatives



This digestive formula contains 14 powerful enzymes. Here is what each of them does to aid in efficient and effective digestion:

  • Amylase – breaks down starches
  • Cellulase – breaks down cellulose in fruits and vegetables
  • Diastase – breaks down carbohydrates into usable glucose
  • DPP4 Enzyme – breaks down gluten and casein, common allergens found in many foods
  • Galactosidase – breaks down raw vegetables and legumes
  • Glucanase  – breaks down larger polysaccharides (found in all grains and mushrooms)
  • Glucoamylase – breaks down starches
  • Hemicellulase – breaks down tough cellulose and lignin in plants
  • Invertase  – breaks down sucrose into simpler sugars
  • Lactase – breaks down dairy products
  • Lipase – breaks down fat
  • Pectinase – breaks down pectin, a type of starch
  • Protease – breaks down protein
  • Xylanase (zy-lan-ase) – breaks down fiber into probiotics

Additional information

Weight 11 oz


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