Written by: Tammy Wood
Everyone is aware of their physical body, but have you ever thought about your energy body or your emotional body? The stress of the past couple years is present in all of us, and ignoring that fact or pretending it’s not there can negatively affect your health. However, recognizing that the body, mind, and emotions are all connected can put you on a path of healing.
It is mind-blowing to think about it, but everything in the whole universe is connected to everything else. Everything, including us, is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. All matter in the universe is vibrating energy. Each of us is a complex electrical system of vibrational frequencies, from our physical body to our emotional body. There are lower-level emotional vibrations such as fear and anger, and there are higher, more spiritual frequencies such as love and compassion.
Your willingness to acknowledge and work with the spiritual energy determines how harmonious (or not) your own vibration becomes. When an individual is clearly out of harmony, experiencing disease or difficulty in the physical body, some thought form, some mental vibrational pattern is usually involved. Our mind patterns can influence us for better or for worse.
Here are the heartfelt words that Swami Paramananda said about the mind.
“As long as we identify ourselves with passing conditions, we suffer; but when we cease to identify ourselves with these conditions then we never really suffer. We suffer because we come in contact with so many things that are not in harmony with our real nature. We are fearful because so many things are hidden from us. We fear the future because we do not know what the future may bring. We fear death because we are not sure what may come after. For this reason, we must learn to focus the mind and turn it within, and by its brilliant light we shall understand all things and attain the vision of Truth which does away with fear. When the mind finds that we will not obey it, then it will obey us.”
To heal, we have to deal with the root causes of illness. In childhood we came into the world with naturally open hearts, so we experienced life with a joyful innocent perception. This was also a time when we received our first wounds to the heart, paving the way for future scars and closures. Such injuries can linger into adulthood, so that we unconsciously reenact relationships from our childhood in a cyclical way.
The intelligence of nature is inside of us (but is not necessarily our minds). Self-healing happens with awareness. By paying attention, we understand how Prana (energy) works and we can connect with the intelligence of nature inside of us.
Taking time to nurture and feel the vibration of self-love, forgiveness, and compassion for the child within, assists in reclaiming the true self one was born to be. Prayer, gratitude, ritual and ceremony helps us unite with this inner truth. We need a relationship with our food, medicine, and rest so we are aware of what is going on around us.
How did we ever lose this inner awareness and connection to the intelligence of nature within?
More than 100 years ago, allopathic medicine (meaning “against disease”) arrived with its war-like mentality of “fighting disease” with lab-made chemical compounds instead of working with natural remedies to restore balance. Well-funded Big Pharma allopathic advocates systematically eliminated their “competition.” Indigenous traditions, herbal remedies, and naturopathic medicines were ridiculed, banned, and nearly lost to history in the rush for more and more chemical pharmaceuticals.
Flash forward to today, where the average American adult is prescribed five pharmaceutical drugs. After all these decades, the public has slowly realized that the man-made “wonder drugs” often carried dangerous negative side effects and long-term consequences.
We have to physically, emotionally and spiritually remember our origin. We are part of nature, not separate from it. Healing our own sickness means we also have to heal the environment. Because everything is connected to everything else.
The human body is an amazing self-healing organism if we give it what it needs and remove toxic influences. As we move into remembrance of the original vibration of self, spontaneous healing can occur.
When an herb, or any substance, is taken into the physical body, there is a corresponding spiritual effect. This is because the vibration of what you take in affects your own vibration. An herb, as a natural substance, provides healing, but it also provides a spiritual message.
Vibrational Essences are made in concert with nature. They are made with Precious Minerals, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, and Crystal energy. They help smooth out all the disharmonious vibrations from your energy field. It’s like getting a chiropractic adjustment for your energy body!
The flowers are Soul allies. Flower Essences address the emotional, mental, and spiritual disturbances in our electrical, or vibrational, system. When our electrical system functions smoothly, we experience radiant health, balance, and a connection to our Source, the Divine.
When electrical flow is disturbed, illness, suffering, aches, and pains can manifest. Flower Essences are vehicles for moving positive energy into the system. They can help create states of peace, balance, and joy.
I love that we can bottle up this joy and make it easy to use! With Vibrational Essences, you can ingest a dropper of this energetic elixir or just spritz your worries away by spraying it around your aura.
Your positive intention and affirmations set the foundation for the energy to be received. Over time with a daily ritual, you will see these negative thought patterns and emotions dissipate. Life is then not so heavy and you are connected to your true strength. You are able to see with eyes of love.
You want to make the world a better place? A better you is a better me. We all depend on vibration, and keeping your vibration up is your personal responsibility to all, the whole world. There is a deep, beautiful truth hidden within you that cannot remain hidden any longer.
Vibrational Essences, affirmations, yoga, meditation, breathwork, singing, and dancing are daily loving rituals that will help maintain your positive, loving, higher vibrational state. Taking time to start each day with a practice “for you” will help shift negative thoughts and illnesses to love and empowerment.
We are all one heart beating as one.
Written by: Tammy Wood