Dogs Love Colloidal Silver!
My recent experience with canine distemper A little brown stray dog showed up on my doorstep a few months ago, and he is so sweet and loving, that there was no hesitation to adopt this dog. Plus, my older dog Brutus loves him and they play really well together. The new little guy was named […]
Colds & Flus, Body pH, and Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is an excellent mineral supplement to take when you have a cold or flu. But did you know that having a cold or flu means that your body is almost certainly too acidic? Your body usually becomes acidic before an illness can set in, and the flip side is that you’re not likely […]
Colloidal Gold Now Half Price?
Is Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Gold now really half price? For years, our Colloidal Gold has been produced to 10ppm (parts per million), and we’ve received countless testimonials from customers reporting the benefits they received from using our Colloidal Gold. But now, Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Gold is produced to 20ppm – double the potency! This means there is […]
Healthy Heavy Metals
Minerals play a critical role in the health of all living organisms. They are vital to overall mental and physical well-being. Without the aid of minerals, our bodies could not assimilate vitamins. Although our bodies can produce a few vitamins on their own, they cannot manufacture a single mineral. We therefore must receive all necessary minerals […]
Colloidal Silver Bandages
Colloidal silver is one of the best topical first aid products known to man. In fact, colloidal silver supports the skin’s natural healing ability so well, that every burn ward in the country has silver creams, silver ointments and silver bandages on hand at all times. For an explanation of how silver benefits the skin, […]
The Benefits of Iodine
Ideally, we should get all the nutrition that our bodies need from the foods that we eat. But in this day and age, sometimes that is nearly impossible to achieve. There are a handful of nutrients that are so vital to good health, we must supplement on a regular basis in order to be fully healthy. Just like […]
The Iodine Crisis – Interview w/ Lynne Farrow
The Iodine Crisis – What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life Investigative Reporter Greg Ciola Interviews Book Author and Iodine Researcher Lynne Farrow Lynne I’d like you to begin by sharing with our readers a little bit about your background and your credentials. You were a professor at a university before being directed […]
Colloidal Silver to Support Lung Health
Nebulizing Colloidal Silver Whenever I experience respiratory issues, the first thing I reach for is my nebulizer and colloidal silver. Nebulizing Colloidal Silver using this little handheld, lightweight device turns colloidal silver into a vapor that can safely be inhaled into the lungs. The results are absolutely amazing! The nebulizer I use, which can be found at […]
Colloidal Copper for Poison Ivy
Can you use Colloidal Copper for poison ivy? We’ve received several testimonials from people who sprayed Colloidal Copper Skin Toner on their Poison Ivy. All of these people reported that it gave them instant relief. One customer said she “could watch the transformation happen before her eyes and wishes she had a video recorder to document […]
Colloidal Silver for Children and Pets – Dosage
Many people ask about the proper dosage of Colloidal Silver for children and pets. A good rule of thumb to follow is 1/4 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. This is considered a Therapeutic Dose and can be repeated several times per day or more as needed. Colloidal silver also works well topically on […]
Colloidal Silver for Emergency Preparedness
Colloidal silver is one of the most useful products to have on hand for emergency preparedness. The list of uses is nearly endless, from minor wounds to serious health issues, from disinfecting water to preserving food, colloidal silver is an essential item for anyone who likes to be prepared. The antimicrobial properties of silver have […]
Colloidal Gold Benefits
Gold has long been one of the most valued substances on Earth. It has been used as currency, to make jewelry, and to gild places of worship. Less well known is the practice of ingesting gold for its health benefits. Many cultures of the past consumed small amounts of gold to treat disease and other maladies. The […]
Colloidal Silver Cocktails?
There’s an excellent reason why some people are mixing colloidal silver with their favorite alcoholic beverage, plus a squeeze of lemon juice, and sipping their way to better health. I learned this trick from a kindred spirit in Sweden, a man by the name of Anders Sultan, who owns the largest colloidal silver company in Europe called […]
What is Nano-Silver?
Is Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Silver considered nano-silver? There’s been a lot of talk lately about “nano-silver.” And with what’s going on in the world right now, rightfully so. Many customers have asked if Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Silver is nano-silver. The answer is, yes, absolutely! The Detailed definition of a “nanoparticle” is any particle measuring between 1-100 nanometers […]
Using Colloidal Silver in an Emergency
What amount of colloidal silver in an emergency situation is safe to use? Although most colloidal silver users consume between a teaspoon and a tablespoon at a time, one to three times per day when needed, sometimes there’s a reason to consume it more aggressively. In an emergency situation, it is not uncommon for a […]
Shelf Life of Colloidal Silver
What is the shelf life of colloidal silver? How long will colloidal silver last if stored properly? What is the best way to store it? The shelf life of colloidal silver has been proven to last over 10 years when stored correctly! This is dependent on meeting the proper storage conditions. Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Silver […]
How to Tell Quality of Colloidal Silver
We often get similar questions about the quality of colloidal silver. Which is better, silver ions or particles? Is 500ppm better than 15ppm? How can I tell if colloidal silver is good or not? I’d like to help clarify the answer to these questions. Ions vs. Particles Mountain Well-Being Colloidal Silver is made using low […]
Maximize Your Health – Fermented Food Recipe
Did you know that bacteria cells outnumber the cells of your body by 10 to 1? For every cell of your body, there are 10 bacteria cells! And did you realize that 80% of your immune system is located in your gut? This is a function of the good bacteria that live there. Which means that maintaining a healthy population of good […]
Colloidal Silver Sinus Support
Colloidal silver has given me the most remarkable and instant relief of sinus problems, better than anything else I’ve ever tried. Whenever I have any type of Sinus Issues – NY Times, my first response is putting colloidal silver up my nasal passageways. It helps every time! At the first sniffle, I apply colloidal silver, […]
The Importance of Organic Sulfur
ORGANIC SULFUR: A Cellular Warrior Needed To Eliminate Toxins, Oxygenate Cells, Protect Your Health & Ward Off Disease (Originally written by Crusador) If you want to defend yourself against all of the toxic contaminants we are exposed to daily and supply one of the foundational minerals your body needs to build, repair and cleanse your […]